Orange Frost™Satsuma- Citrus reticulata 'Gremoy47' 8b
We grow and sell these in 5-Gal and 7-Gal at various times of the year we no
longer have smaller gals, BUT THESE ARE NO LONGER BUSHES BUT TREES
4-8 FEET!!!
Small spreading tree 8-12 feet at maturity
Super cold hardy, along with Arctic Frost, Texas A & M, says that
this Orange bush is the hardiest for our Houston area and in East Texas
Fragrant white blooms in spring and various times of the year
Fruit in early winter
Grows well in a container
Seedless juicy easy peeling fruit
One of most cold tolerant Satsumas along with Orange Frost Satsuma
Superstar plant per Texas A & M Article:
Zone 8b Will take a 17 degree freeze
We sell all Citrus, orange trees, lemon trees, lime trees, and grapefruit trees. Since January of 2018 we only sell Citrus in 5 gallon pots, but we designate 5 gal and 7 gal sizes so that the 7gal size designates older larger trees with calipers of the trunk over 3/8 inch or larger and the smaller trees as only 1/4 inch caliper and smaller. The 7 gal trees are not much taller, but are bushier and as mentioned a larger in caliper in trunk size.